// Decent editor https://blot.hackclub.com/editor // ChatGPT can transform our array into their set of integer tuples used by the tool above. It says to suggest "Convert this coordinate array to x,y pairs divided by 100 and space-separated." or "Convert space-separated x,y pairs back to an array of arrays, with each number multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest integer"

Recent work underway
over 3 months

#pub Move "Edit page style" to first page of note options
Move "Edit page style" to first page of note options
Deployed October 2024
Worked October 2024 in alloy-org/ample-web
100 Δ
Add prevent auto-archive option to note options menu (on secondary page)
Deployed January 7
Worked January 6 in alloy-org/ample-mobile
100 Δ
Incorporate recent changelogs into "Recent Activity" loader atop CAB
Deployed December 20
Worked December 18 in gitclear/gitclear
1500 Δ
Transmit header collapse state as a data-collapsed html attr so that embedded notes have the potential to style collapsed sections as collapsed
Awaiting deploy
Worked December 15 in alloy-org/ample-editor-app
100 Δ
#pub Transmit header collapse state as a data-collapsed html attr so that embedded notes have the potential to style collapsed sections as collapsed
Awaiting deploy
Worked December 15 in alloy-org/ample-editor
100 Δ
Un-archive auto-archived shared notes when changing the note name

Deployed December 3
Worked on from December 2 through December 3 in alloy-org/ample-api
300 Δ
Enable 1600px width for select pages (starting with changelog_review) that can benefit from extra space among those with high density monitors
Enable 1600px width for select pages (starting with changelog_review) that can benefit from extra space among those with high density monitors
Deployed November 25
Worked November 22 in gitclear/gitclear
1700 Δ
Give a selection of Snap Changelog-related options when a Snap Changelog is selected on changelog_review page
Update peek viewer to include "Publish to changelog" button
Deployed November 22
Worked November 21 in gitclear/gitclear
5500 Δ
Update changelog editor

Deployed November 8
Worked November 8 in gitclear/gitclear
4000 Δ
Commit group list combines commits with the same title/details
Deployed November 1
Worked November 1 in gitclear/gitclear
300 Δ
Add offline-first option for note addition in task domain
Plugins can now add notes to tasks domains while offline, and can reliably add newly created notes to task domains.
Awaiting deploy
Worked November 1 in alloy-org/ample-notes-store
100 Δ