Brew: 3.0.0 Release

Release date:
February 5, 2021
Previous version:
2.7.7 (released January 28, 2021)
6,216 Diff Delta
20 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 3.0.0


Directory Browser for 3.0.0

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Release Notes Published

Release notes for this release can be found on the Homebrew blog. - build(deps): bump codecov from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - build(deps): bump bootsnap from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - build(deps): bump sorbet from 0.5.6267 to 0.5.6274 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - docs/Releases: update process documentation. (@MikeMcQuaid) - cmd/--prefix: ignore shared-mime-info and mactex (@carlocab) - Re-enable vendor-gems for pull requests. (@reitermarkus) - xcode: update for Xcode 12.4 (@jonchang) - style: re-enable bottle order cop (@Rylan12) - bottle: write bottles in correct order (@Rylan12) - untap: add missing --force switch (@dawidd6) - formula_auditor: skip archived repository audits if disabled (@samford) - rubocops/bottle: disable bottle order check (@carlocab) - build(deps): bump sorbet from 0.5.6262 to 0.5.6267 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - workflows/vendor-gems: disable for pull requests. (@MikeMcQuaid) - docs: add a note about the stability of python 3 formulae (@woodruffw-forks) - rubocops: add rubocop for old bottle syntax (@SeekingMeaning) - homebrew_bootsnap: disable on ARM. (@MikeMcQuaid) - style: allow long lines for bottle digests (@Rylan12) - dev-cmd/release: output blog post release notes. (@MikeMcQuaid) - build(deps): bump rubocop-rspec from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - utils/github: fix false positive API credential error (@nandahkrishna) - build(deps): bump sorbet from 0.5.6259 to 0.5.6262 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - utils/curl: refactor curl_with_workarounds (@hyuraku) - sorbet: Update RBI files. (@Homebrew) - cask/config: fix explicit_s (@nandahkrishna) - man: allow command to run on unsupported platforms when HOMEBREW_SILICON_DEVELOPER is set (@dtrodrigues) - env_config: update HOMEBREW_BOOTSNAP description. (@MikeMcQuaid) - java: improve tests (@carlocab) - Deprecate additional arch functions (@Bo98) - cask audit: do not require description for fonts (@vitorgalvao) - workflows/tests: set HOMEBREW_BOOTSNAP. (@MikeMcQuaid) - ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug: tweak checkboxes. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Reduce rubocop violations in tests (@Rylan12) - bootsnap: various improvements. (@MikeMcQuaid) - java: fix java_home on macOS (@jonchang) - homebrew_bootsnap: remove deprecated option. (@MikeMcQuaid) - build(deps): bump rubocop from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - sorbet: Update RBI files. (@Homebrew) - cask/config: new method for cask.config.explicit as string (@EricFromCanada) - build(deps): bump mechanize from 2.7.6 to 2.7.7 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - dev-cmd/prof: allow non-zero exit code. (@MikeMcQuaid) - ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yml: add missing "you". (@MikeMcQuaid) - bump-formula-pr: pass --formula flag when auditing a bumped formula (@dtrodrigues) - Use new issue templates. (@MikeMcQuaid) - formula_auditor: repair audit_postgresql message (@hyuraku) - formula: require language/java. (@MikeMcQuaid) - rubocop.yml: disable Rails/RakeEnvironment (@MikeMcQuaid) - cask/audit: underline URLs in audit errors (@SeekingMeaning) - cmd/--prefix: add --installed flag (@gromgit) - build(deps): bump sorbet from 0.5.6251 to 0.5.6259 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - Homebrew 3.0.0 deprecations/disables (@MikeMcQuaid) - build(deps): bump rubocop from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - build(deps-dev): bump github-pages from 210 to 211 in /docs (@Homebrew) - cask/audit: error if verified does not match, regardless of url (@SeekingMeaning) - livecheck: fix filtering of watchlist with --formulae/--casks flag (@SeekingMeaning) - requirements/java_requirement: delete adoptopenjdk condition (@hyuraku) - typecheck: migrate from deprecated flag. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Fix fish shell completion for upgrade (@muneebmahmed) - version: add constants for regexes (@SeekingMeaning) - named_args: raise or print error if both or either formula/cask unreadable (@SeekingMeaning) - Handle upstream branch renames (@Rylan12) - style: re-enable sha256 checks for bottle blocks (@iMichka) - style: handle line too long for new bottle blocks (@iMichka) - style: do not fail on sha256 lines with cellar information (@iMichka) - cellars: write tag specific cellars (@iMichka) - formula_auditor: delete adoptopenjdk condition (@hyuraku)