Brew: 3.1.0 Release

Release date:
April 12, 2021
Previous version:
3.0.11 (released April 5, 2021)
3 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 3.1.0


Directory Browser for 3.1.0

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Release Notes Published

Release notes for this release can be found on the Homebrew blog. - build(deps-dev): bump html-proofer from 3.18.8 to 3.19.0 in /docs (@Homebrew) - bottle: Restore old filename for non-GitHub package URLs (@kabel) - Help/documentation updates (@Rylan12) - github_packages: safer handling of skopeo inspect (@Bo98) - dev-cmd/bottle: fix incorrect Cellar value in JSON (@Bo98) - bottle: no need to set cellar anymore (@iMichka) - sorbet: Update RBI files. (@Homebrew) - bintray: fix filename for bottle uploads (@nandahkrishna) - github_packages: support --keep-old (@Bo98) - Update maintainers, manpage and completions. (@Homebrew) - completions/zsh: fix __brew_casks() (@nandahkrishna) - software_spec: remove debug statement (@nandahkrishna) - Fix GitHub Packages filenames. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Formula#bottle_hash: various fixes/updates. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Remove some premature odisabled (@MikeMcQuaid) - formula: allow plists to be generated (@SMillerDev) - requirements: re-add missing macos_requirement require. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Support all: SHA256 bottles. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Deprecate, disable, delete code for next major/minor version. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Default Homebrew on Linux to use GitHub Packages. (@MikeMcQuaid) - bottle: Set date to the mtime of the bottle file (@sjackman) - dev-cmd/bottle: don't take uniq of arguments (@Bo98) - build(deps): bump parallel_tests from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - github_packages: fix bottle tag handling (@Bo98) - sorbet: Update RBI files. (@Homebrew) - formula auditor: skip uses_from_macos audit for linux-only formula (@iMichka) - software_spec: fix handling of default non-host Cellar (@Bo98) - dev-cmd/bottle: avoid outputting new default bottle domain. (@MikeMcQuaid) - tests: fix a option bug (@hyuraku) - github_packages: fix "Uploaded to" organisation. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Default download to GitHub Packages (@MikeMcQuaid) - Fix Linuxbrew URL handling (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: fix source for Linuxbrew bottles. (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: rewrite more invalid versions. (@MikeMcQuaid) - cache parallel tests log on ci (@hyuraku) - build(deps): bump nokogiri from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 in /Library/Homebrew (@Homebrew) - GHCR: Authorization bearer requires a token (@sjackman) - sorbet: Update RBI files. (@Homebrew) - Don't forward options if none are given. (@reitermarkus) - Add extract_plist strategy. (@reitermarkus) - Documentation: Fix link on website (@tlk) - Supports .gz man page (@xxyzz) - dev-cmd/bottle: don't fail on --keep-old with unchanged values (@Bo98) - Only suggest adding livecheck it auto-detection fails. (@reitermarkus) - github_packages: quiet skopeo inspect (@MikeMcQuaid) - More GitHub Packages bulk upload fixes (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: don't allow linuxbrew- prefix. (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: fix image_formula_name issue (@nandahkrishna) - debrew: make Debrew::Raise only catch uncaught exceptions (@Bo98) - github_packages: remove invalid docker tag characters. (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: fix typo. (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: fix more bulk upload errors. (@MikeMcQuaid) - github_packages: fix versioned bottle names. (@MikeMcQuaid) - dev-cmd/bottle: fix license output. (@MikeMcQuaid) - Synchronize triage configuration (@Homebrew) - dev-cmd/pr-pull: don't cherry-pick on --no-commit (@Bo98) - Use GITHUB_TOKEN more consistently. (@Homebrew) - github/workflows: use Homebrew/brew-specific packages token. (@Homebrew) - GHCR: Use reject to remove empty hash values (@sjackman) - GHCR: Add constant OS::CI_OS_VERSION (@sjackman) - build(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from fcebab03f26c7530a22baa63f06b3e0515f0c7cd to 1.3.2 (@Homebrew) - acceptable casks: audacity no longer applies (@vitorgalvao) - build(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from e156083f13aff6830c92fc5faa23505779fbf649 to 1.3.1 (@Homebrew) - github/api: update personal access token format. (@jonchang) - GitHub Packages cleanup (@MikeMcQuaid) - Update 1password logo (@berkbaski) - fix _brew completion default cache path (@bosr) - Cleanup use of CxxStdlib (@MikeMcQuaid) - doc: adds missing required procps package (@HorlogeSkynet)