Dataverse: 4.0 Release

Release date:
June 27, 2018
Previous version:
untagged-a0d33571c475f790ecbf (released June 27, 2018)
207 Diff Delta
4 total committers
Data confidence:

1024 Features Released with 4.0

Top Contributors in 4.0


Directory Browser for 4.0

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Release Notes Published

-Latest Release, 4.0.1, can be found here:

4.0 Release Notes

Dataverse 4.0 is completely rewritten and focused on improving usability, extending support to multiple disciplines, enhanced API support, and an improved permissions model. This list of new features and changes is not exhaustive, see the user guides and GitHub project for more information.

New Features: - Improved add data and edit workflows. - Improved restrict file and request access workflows. - Both online and email-based workflow event notification. - Improved messaging. - Customizable search facets for each dataverse. - Greater use of search facets for data discovery. - Solr server for faster, more inclusive search results. - Linked search allows adding search-based results to a dataverse. - Simplified dataverse customization through themes and widgets. - Featured dataverses allows highlighting selected dataverses. - Default CC0 waiver for datasets. - Support for custom metadata fields - New search and native APIs. - Dataverse administrators can create user groups. - Dataverse administrators can create nested dataverses. - Support for Rdata ingest. - New point and click online analysis tool, TwoRavens. - Shibboleth single sign on support, currently experimental.

Changes: - Faceting, linked search, and sub dataverses replace collections. - Extensive metadata domainsreplace controlled vocabulary. - z39.50 support is ending. - Widgets replace iframe customization. - Dataverse widgets built in to OpenScholar - Dataverse themes replace html header and footer customization.

Technology Upgrade: - PrimeFaces, with Bootstrap - Java 7 - Glassfish 4.1

Issues: - Shibboleth support is experimental. - In some cases deleting a dataset fails. - Linked datasets, dataverses, and searches are currently available to super users only.

Installation: - Please see our installation guide:

Upgrading: - Upgrading from a prior version requires considerable planning and testing. Please contact us for support at [email protected]