Typo3 Console: v7.0.0 Release

Release date:
January 8, 2023
Previous version:
v6.7.7 (released January 8, 2023)
372 Diff Delta
6 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v7.0.0


Directory Browser for v7.0.0

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Release Notes Published

Breaking Changes

Removed commands

The following commands are now removed with versions now provided by TYPO3 directly. Please note, that these commands will still be executable with the typo3cms binary, but will NOT be listed in its command reference any more.

| Old TYPO3 Console command name | New TYPO3 command name | |-|-| | backend:lock | backend:lock | | backend:unlock | backend:unlock | | cache:flush | cache:flush | | cache:flushgroups | cache:flush --group <your-group> | | dumpautoload | dumpautoload | | extension:list | extension:list | | extension:setup <your-ext-key> | extension:setup --extension <your-ext-key> | | extension:setupactive | extension:setup |

This means, that with this version, deployment definitions using any of those commands need to be adapted. Likely it will be enough to change extension:setupactive to be extension:setup

Also noteworthy: The install:generatepackagestates command is now not available any more in TYPO3 Composer enabled projects, due to the fact, that TYPO3 itself now marks all Composer installed extensions as active.

  • In non Composer enabled TYPO3 installations, Extensions can not provide low level commands any more using Configuration/Commands.php. In general, providing commands should now be done by configuring them for dependency injection


  • Compatibility with TYPO3 11.4.*

Further changes

The full change log can be examined on Github The extension can be found at the TER release page.