Angular CLI: 15.0.0-rc.3 Release

Release date:
November 9, 2022
Previous version:
15.0.0-rc.2 (released November 2, 2022)
154 Diff Delta
3 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 15.0.0-rc.3


Directory Browser for 15.0.0-rc.3

We haven't yet finished calculating and confirming the files and directories changed in this release. Please check back soon.

Release Notes Published

<a name="15.0.0-rc.3"></a>

15.0.0-rc.3 (2022-11-09)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 24770f4e7 | default to failure if no builder result is provided |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 001445982 | account for package.json exports with Sass in esbuild builder | | fix - 4cb27b803 | avoid attempted resolve of external CSS URLs with esbuild builder | | fix - f143171fd | only add @angular/platform-server/init when package is installed. | | fix - 7dd122ad5 | rebase Sass url() values when using esbuild-based builder | | fix - 0d62157a3 | update sourcemaps when rebasing Sass url() functions in esbuild builder | | fix - b059fc735 | warn when components styles sourcemaps are not generated when styles optimization is enabled |

Special Thanks

Alan Agius and Charles Lyding