Angular CLI: 16.0.0-next.7 Release

Release date:
April 6, 2023
Previous version:
16.0.0-next.6 (released March 30, 2023)
329 Diff Delta
4 total committers
Data confidence:

22 Features Released with 16.0.0-next.7

Top Contributors in 16.0.0-next.7


Directory Browser for 16.0.0-next.7

We haven't yet finished calculating and confirming the files and directories changed in this release. Please check back soon.

Release Notes Published

<a name="16.0.0-next.7"></a>

16.0.0-next.7 (2023-04-06)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - c2d2da41b | add support to add service worker to standalone application | | fix - f98c9de80 | add experimental message when using standalone application schematic. | | fix - de6d30102 | replace provideServerSupport with provideServerRendering | | fix - bff634fe0 | update private Components utilities to work with standalone project structure |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - fb19f5f3d | collect tech information |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 48871381a | allow registered builder teardowns to execute |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - ee8013f66 | display build output table with esbuild | | feat - 0eac98f61 | implement progress option for esbuild builder | | feat - 8c550302c | initial development server for esbuild-based builder | | feat - ce46ecae0 | support module resolution with less stylesheets in esbuild builder | | feat - 584b51907 | support scripts option with esbuild builder | | feat - e4883b0ee | support SSL options with esbuild development server | | fix - 005ba4276 | ensure empty component styles compile with esbuild | | fix - 4822b3ba5 | keep esbuild server active until builder fully stops | | fix - 67670b612 | pass listening port in result for esbuild dev server | | fix - b8c9667f9 | remove unintended files in esbuild output stats table | | perf - aae34fc02 | fully lazy load sass in esbuild builder |

Special Thanks

Alan Agius, Charles Lyding and Kristiyan Kostadinov