Angular CLI: 16.2.0 Release

Release date:
August 9, 2023
Previous version:
16.2.0-rc.1 (released August 4, 2023)
167 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 16.2.0


Directory Browser for 16.2.0

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Release Notes Published

<a name="16.2.0"></a>

16.2.0 (2023-08-09)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - e6b377436 | add ssr option in application builder | | feat - c05c83be7 | add initial application builder implementation | | feat - 095f5aba6 | add initial support for server bundle generation using esbuild | | feat - cb165a75d | add pre-rendering (SSG) and App-shell support generation to application builder | | feat - 2a3fc6846 | add preload hints based on transitive initial files | | feat - 099cec758 | add support for serving SSR with dev-server when using the application builder | | fix - 449e21b3a | correctly load dev server assets with vite 4.4.0+ | | fix - f42f10135 | ensure preload hints for external stylesheets are marked as styles | | fix - 7defb3635 | ensure that server dependencies are loaded also in ssr entrypoint | | fix - 05f31bd28 | prevent race condition in setting up sass worker pool | | fix - 5048f6e82 | Set chunk names explicitly | | perf - 974748cdf | filter postcss usage based on content in esbuild builder | | perf - 61a652d91 | inject Sass import/use directive importer information when resolving | | perf - a0a2c7aef | only load browserslist in babel preset if needed | | perf - 6bfd1800e | use in-memory Sass module resolution cache |