Angular CLI: 17.0.0-rc.3 Release

Release date:
November 1, 2023
Previous version:
17.0.0-rc.2 (released October 26, 2023)
600 Diff Delta
7 total committers
Data confidence:

27 Features Released with 17.0.0-rc.3

Top Contributors in 17.0.0-rc.3


Directory Browser for 17.0.0-rc.3

We haven't yet finished calculating and confirming the files and directories changed in this release. Please check back soon.

Release Notes Published

<a name="17.0.0-rc.3"></a>

17.0.0-rc.3 (2023-11-01)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - eb0fc7434 | add missing express REQUEST and RESPONSE tokens | | fix - 23c4c5e42 | enable TypeScript esModuleInterop by default for ESM compliance |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 1f7156b11 | add Node.js 20 as supported version | | fix - 4b9a87c90 | ignore peer mismatch when updating @nguniversal/builders |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 9994b2dde | add a maximum rendering timeout for SSR and SSG during development | | fix - f806e3498 | elide setClassDebugInfo calls | | fix - d392d653c | ensure correct web worker URL resolution in vite dev server | | fix - 391ff78cb | log number of prerendered routes in console | | fix - d4f37da50 | only show changed output files in watch mode with esbuild | | fix - 0d54f2d20 | only watch used files with application builder | | fix - c27ad719f | remove unactionable error overlay suggestion from Vite-based dev server | | fix - f7f6e97d0 | skip checking CommonJS module descendants | | fix - 559e89159 | Windows Node.js 20 prerendering failure | | perf - c013a95e2 | only rebundle browser polyfills on explicit changes | | perf - 28d9ab88f | only rebundle server polyfills on explicit changes | | perf - 2e8e9d802 | patch fetch to load assets from memory |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 25b86ab1d | running external schematics with yarn pnp |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 486becdbb | remove setClassDebugInfo calls | | fix - 8899fb9e3 | skip transforming empty inline styles in Webpack JIT compilations |