Angular CLI: 17.1.0 Release

Release date:
January 18, 2024
Previous version:
17.1.0-rc.1 (released January 10, 2024)
367 Diff Delta
4 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 17.1.0


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All files are compared to previous version, 17.1.0-rc.1. Click here to browse diffs between other versions.

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Release Notes Published

<a name="17.1.0"></a>

17.1.0 (2024-01-17)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - b513d89b7 | add optional migration to use application builder | | feat - a708dccff | update SSR and application builder migration schematics to work with new outputPath | | fix - 4469e481f | do not trigger NPM install when using ---skip-install and --ssr |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - e0b274b8f | add option to retain CSS special comments in global styles | | feat - 204794c4f | add support for --no-browsers in karma builder | | feat - 4784155bd | add wildcard option for allowedCommonJsDependencies | | feat - 3b93df42d | allow configuring loaders for custom file extensions in application builder | | feat - cc246d50e | allow customization of output locations | | feat - 15a669c1e | allowing control of index HTML initial preload generation | | feat - 47a064b14 | emit external sourcemaps for component styles | | feat - 68dae539a | initial experimental implementation of @web/test-runner builder | | feat - f6e67df1c | inline Google and Adobe fonts located in stylesheets | | feat - 364a16b7a | move browser-sync as optional dependency | | feat - ccba849e4 | support keyboard command shortcuts in application dev server | | fix - 329d80075 | alllow OPTIONS requests to be proxied when using vite | | fix - 49ed9a26c | emit error when using prerender and app-shell builders with application builder | | fix - 6473b0160 | ensure all configured assets can be served by dev server | | fix - 874e576b5 | filter explicit external dependencies for Vite prebundling | | fix - 2a02b1320 | fix normalization of the application builder extensions | | fix - 9906ab7b4 | normalize asset source locations in Vite-based development server | | fix - ceffafe1a | provide better error messages for failed file reads | | fix - 6d7fdb952 | show diagnostic messages after build stats | | fix - 4e1f0e44d | the request url "..." is outside of Vite serving allow list for all assets | | fix - bd26a18e7 | typo in preloadInitial option description | | perf - 125fb779f | reduce TypeScript JSDoc parsing in application builder |