Angular CLI: v10.2.4 Release

Release date:
December 15, 2021
Previous version:
10.2.4 (released December 15, 2021)
0 Diff Delta
0 total committers
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Release Notes Published

<a name="10.2.4"></a>

10.2.4 (2021-12-15)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 745d77728 | error when updating Angular packages across multi-major migrations | | fix - 460ea21b5 | logic which determines which temp version of the CLI is to be download during ng update | | fix - 03da12899 | update ng update output for Angular packages |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - d6582d489 | change karma-jasmine-html-reporter dependency to use tilde |

Special Thanks

Alan Agius, Charles Lyding, Doug Parker and Joey Perrott