Angular CLI: v9.1.0 Release

Release date:
March 25, 2020
Previous version:
v9.1.0-rc.0 (released March 23, 2020)
53 Diff Delta
5 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v9.1.0


Directory Browser for v9.1.0

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Release Notes Published


<table> <tbody>

<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@angular-devkit/benchmark (0.901.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>add capabilities to benchmark watch processes</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr></tr>

<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@angular-devkit/build-angular (0.901.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>support TypeScript 3.8</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>pass "grep" and "invertGrep"</td>

<td> <a href=""> [Closes #13020]<br /> </a>

</td> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Bug Fix" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>improve quality of localized sourcemaps</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Bug Fix" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>reduce fast sourcemap threshold</td>

<td> </td> </tr>

<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@angular/cli (9.1.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Bug Fix" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>display post migration message when updating from previous major version</td>


<a href=""> [Closes #17256]<br /> </a>

</td> </tr>


<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@angular/pwa (0.901.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>support for maskable icons</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr></tr>

<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@ngtools/webpack (9.1.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>integrate ngcc async</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>support TypeScript 3.8</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Bug Fix" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>provide tsconfig path to ngcc</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Bug Fix" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>disable ngcc async under Bazel</td>

<td> </td> </tr>

<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@schematics/angular (9.1.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>add migration to update tslint to version 6</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>update default tslint.json rules</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>generate new projects with tslint 6.1.0</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>set quote_type = single in .editorconfig</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>add opt in option 'displayBlock'</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>update karma and karma-jasmine</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr>

<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Bug Fix" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>Allow empty string in the type option</td>

<td> </td> </tr> <tr></tr>

<tr><td colspan=3><h3>@schematics/schematics (0.901.0)</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Commit</b> <td><b>Description</b> <td><b>Notes</b> </tr>


<td> <a href=""><img align="top" title="Feature" src="" /> </a> </td>

<td>generate packages with TypeScript 3.8</td>

<td> </td> </tr>

</tbody> </table>

Special Thanks

Renovate Bot, Alan Agius, Charles Lyding, renovate[bot], Doug Parker, Filipe Silva, Keen Yee Liau, Wojciech OkoΕ„ski, Tarik Alani, mgechev, Jonathan Chase, Sachin Grover, Schneider, Jonathan Garvey, Reto Ryter, Seth Jones, Douglas Parker, Mike Hartington, Vikram Subramanian, Amadou Sall, Murad, minijus