Angular: 16.0.0-next.5 Release

Release date:
March 29, 2023
Previous version:
16.0.0-next.4 (released March 22, 2023)
6,757 Diff Delta
16 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 16.0.0-next.5


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Release Notes Published

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16.0.0-next.5 (2023-03-29)

Breaking Changes


  • Several changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)
    • Removal of FESM2015
    • Replacing ES2020 with ES2022
    • Replacing FESM2020 with FESM2022
  • Several changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)
    • Removal of FESM2015
    • Replacing ES2020 with ES2022
    • Replacing FESM2020 with FESM2022 ### common
  • If the 'ngTemplateOutletContext' is different from the context, it will result in a compile-time error.

Before the change, the following template was compiling:

  interface MyContext {
    $implicit: string;

    standalone: true,
    imports: [NgTemplateOutlet],
    selector: 'person',
    template: `
          context: { $implicit: 'test', xxx: 'xxx' }
  export class PersonComponent {
    myTemplateRef!: TemplateRef<MyContext>;

However, it does not compile now because the 'xxx' property does not exist in 'MyContext', resulting in the error: 'Type '{ $implicit: string; xxx: string; }' is not assignable to type 'MyContext'.'

The solution is either: - add the 'xxx' property to 'MyContext' with the correct type or - add '$any(...)' inside the template to make the error disappear. However, adding '$any(...)' does not correct the error but only preserves the previous behavior of the code.


  • * entryComponents has been deleted from the @NgModule and @Component public APIs. Any usages can be removed since they weren't doing anyting.
    • ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS injection token has been deleted. Any references can be removed.
  • ComponentRef.setInput will only set the input on the component if it is different from the previous value (based on equality). If code relies on the input always being set, it should be updated to copy objects or wrap primitives in order to ensure the input value differs from the previous call to setInput. ## Deprecations ### core
  • makeStateKey, StateKey and TransferState exports have been moved from @angular/platform-browser to @angular/core. Please update the imports.
  - import {makeStateKey, StateKey, TransferState} from '@angular/platform-browser';
  + import {makeStateKey, StateKey, TransferState} from '@angular/core';
  • The @Directive/@Component moduleId property is now deprecated. It did not have any effect for multiple major versions and will be removed in v17. ### platform-server
  • PlatformConfig.baseUrl and PlatformConfig.useAbsoluteUrl platform-server config options are deprecated as these were not used. ### common | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 6499f5ae28 | invalid ImageKit transformation (#49201) | | fix - d47fef72cb | strict type checking for ngtemplateoutlet (#48374) | ### compiler | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 1829542aea | do not unquote CSS values (#49460) | | fix - 73d2f3c866 | handle trailing comma in object literal (#49535) | ### compiler-cli | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 03d1d00ad9 | Add an extended diagnostic for nSkipHydration (#49512) | ### core | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 89d291c367 | add assertInInjectionContext (#49529) | | feat - 605c536420 | add migration to remove moduleId references (#49496) | | feat - 9c5fd50de4 | effects can optionally return a cleanup function (#49625) | | feat - c024574f46 | expose makeStateKey, StateKey and TransferState (#49563) | | feat - 9b65b84cb9 | Mark components for check if they read a signal (#49153) | | feat - 585e34bf6c | remove entryComponents (#49484) | | fix - be23b7ce65 | ComponentRef.setInput only sets input when not equal to previous (#49607) | | fix - 316c91b1a4 | deprecate moduleId @Component property (#49496) | | fix - fdafdb78dc | set style property value to empty string instead of an invalid value (#49460) | ### http | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 45a6ac09fd | force macro task creation during HTTP request (#49546) | ### migrations | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 5e5dac278d | Migration to remove Router guard and resolver interfaces (#49337) | ### platform-browser | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - e8e36811d5 | set nonce attribute in a platform compatible way (#49624) | ### platform-server | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | refactor - e99460865e | deprecate useAbsoluteUrl and baseUrl (#49546) | ### router | Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 2dbf3e0023 | Ensure Router preloading works with lazy component and static children (#49571) | | fix - d3018c0ee7 | fix #49457 outlet activating with old info (#49459) | | fix - 3c7e637374 | Route matching should only happen once when navigating (#49163) | | fix - 1600687fe5 | Route matching should only happen once when navigating (#49163) | ## Special Thanks Alan Agius, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Asaf Malin, Jan Cabadaj, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Matthieu Riegler, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Sid, Tano Abeleyra and tomalaforge