Angular: 17.0.0 Release

Release date:
November 8, 2023
Previous version:
17.0.0-rc.3 (released November 7, 2023)
623 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 17.0.0


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Release Notes Published

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17.0.0 (2023-11-08)

| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | build - 59aa0634f4 | remove support for Node.js v16 (#51755) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - e753278faa | Add the possibility of lazy loading animations code. (#50738) | | fix - 698c058e1c | remove code duplication between entry-points (#51500) | | refactor - 0598613950 | deprecation of AnimationDriver.NOOP (#51843) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 2da3551a70 | report gc and render time spent in script (#50771) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - fe2fd7e1a8 | make the warning for lazy-loaded lcp image an error (#51748) | | feat - dde3fdabbd | upgrade warning to logged error for lazy-loaded LCP images using NgOptimizedImage (#52004) | | fix - da056a1fe2 | add missing types field for @angular/common/locales of exports in package.json (#52080) | | fix - 85843e8212 | allow to specify only some properties of DatePipeConfig (#51287) | | fix - 3bd85fb7b0 | apply fixed_srcset_width value only to fixed srcsets (#52459) | | fix - 65b460448e | missing space in ngSwitch equality warning (#52180) | | fix - 86c5e34601 | remove code duplication between entry-points (#51500) | | fix - 28a5925f53 | use === operator to match NgSwitch cases (#51504) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 1934524a0c | add docs extraction for type aliases (#52118) | | feat - 7f6d9a73ab | expand class api doc extraction (#51733) | | feat - a7fa25306f | extract api docs for interfaces (#52006) | | feat - 7bfe20707f | extract api for fn overloads and abtract classes (#52040) | | feat - c7daf7ea16 | extract directive docs info (#51733) | | feat - e0b1bb33d7 | extract doc info for JsDoc (#51733) | | feat - b9c70158ab | extract docs for accessors, rest params, and types (#51733) | | feat - a24ae994a0 | extract docs for top level functions and consts (#51733) | | feat - 2e41488296 | extract docs info for enums, pipes, and NgModules (#51733) | | feat - 34495b3533 | extract docs via exports (#51828) | | feat - 7e82df45c5 | initial skeleton for API doc extraction (#51733) | | fix - 6795cccbbb | account for type-only imports in defer blocks (#52343) | | fix - 23bfa10ac8 | add diagnostic for inaccessible deferred trigger (#51922) | | fix - 31295a3cf9 | allocating unnecessary slots in conditional instruction (#51913) | | fix - 2aaddd3f64 | allow comments between switch cases (#52449) | | fix - ddd9df68bb | allow decimals in defer block time values (#52433) | | fix - 7dbd47fb30 | allow newlines in track and let expressions (#52137) | | fix - 0eae992c4e | allow nullable values in for loop block (#51997) | | fix - 073ebfe09e | apply style on :host attributes in prod builds. (#49118) | | fix - 81a287a79a | avoid error in template parser for tag names that can occur in object prototype (#52225) | | fix - 6c58252521 | compilation error when for loop block expression contains new line (#52447) | | fix - 9d19c8e317 | don't allocate variable to for loop expression (#52158) | | fix - 9acd2ac98b | enable block syntax in the linker (#51979) | | fix - 1d871c03a5 | forward referenced dependencies not identified as deferrable (#52017) | | fix - 16ff08ec70 | narrow the type of expressions in event listeners inside if blocks (#52069) | | fix - ac0d5dcfd6 | narrow the type of expressions in event listeners inside switch blocks (#52069) | | fix - 02edb43067 | narrow the type of the aliased if block expression (#51952) | | fix - 83067b3ef2 | ng-template directive invoke twice at the root of control flow (#52515) | | fix - 17078a3fe1 | pipes used inside defer triggers not being picked up (#52071) | | fix - 861ce3a7c5 | pipes using DI not working in blocks (#52112) | | fix - 1f5039bbd6 | project control flow root elements into correct slot (#52414) | | fix - 81c315ec6e | template type checking not reporting diagnostics for incompatible type comparisons (#52322) | | fix - 1beef49d80 | update the minVersion if component uses block syntax (#51979) | | fix - 386e1e9500 | work around TypeScript bug when narrowing switch statements (#52110) | | perf - e5bca43224 | further reduce bundle size using arrow functions (#52010) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 5b66330329 | allow non-array imports for standalone component in local compilation mode (#51819) | | fix - 377a7abfda | bypass static resolving of the component's changeDetection field in local compilation mode (#51848) | | fix - 19c3dc18d3 | fix NgModule injector def in local compilation mode when imports/exports are non-array expressions (#51819) | | fix - 11bb19cafc | handle nested qualified names in ctor injection in local compilation mode (#51947) | | fix - f91f222b55 | resolve component encapsulation enum in local compilation mode (#51848) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | docs - 59b6ec6be8 | Deprecate ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges (#52431) | | feat - 4f04d1cdab | add new list reconcilation algorithm (#51980) | | feat - c7127b98b5 | add schematic to escape block syntax characters (#51905) | | feat - 50275e58b8 | Add schematic to migrate control flow syntax (#52035) | | feat - 81b67aa987 | add support for zone.js 0.14.0 (#51774) | | feat - 048f400efc | add warnings for oversized images and lazy-lcp (#51846) | | feat - 93675dc797 | conditional built-in control flow (#51346) | | feat - 4427e1ebc2 | create function to assert not running inside reactive context (#52049) | | feat - e23aaa7d75 | drop support for older TypeScript versions (#51792) | | feat - 43e6fb0606 | enable block syntax (#51994) | | feat - 3cbb2a8ecf | implement deferred block interaction triggers (#51830) | | feat - 8be2c48b7c | implement new block syntax (#51891) | | feat - a54713c831 | implement ɵgetInjectorMetadata debug API (#51900) | | feat - 5b88d136af | mark core signal APIs as stable (#51821) | | feat - 8eef694def | Provide a diagnostic for missing Signal invocation in template interpolation. (#49660) | | feat - 40113f653c | Remove deprecated CompilerOptions.useJit andCompilerOptions.missingTranslation. (#49672) | | feat - 68ba798ae3 | revamp the runtime error message for orphan components to include full component info (#51919) | | feat - 1a4aee7e49 | show runtime error for orphan component rendering (#52061) | | feat - 687b96186c | support deferred hover triggers (#51874) | | feat - e2e3d69a27 | support deferred triggers with implicit triggers (#51922) | | feat - 16f5fc40a4 | support deferred viewport triggers (#51874) | | feat - 59387ee476 | support styles and styleUrl as strings (#51715) | | feat - 9cc52b9b85 | support TypeScript 5.2 (#51334) | | feat - 7d42dc3c02 | the new list reconciliation algorithm for built-in for (#51980) | | fix - 935c1816fd | add rejectErrors option to toSignal (#52474) | | fix - 5411864c2e | adjust toSignal types to handle more common cases (#51991) | | fix - dcf18dc74c | allow toSignal calls in reactive context (#51831) | | fix - dbffdc09c2 | avoid duplicated code between entry-points (primary, testing, rxjs-interop) (#51500) | | fix - 4f69d620d9 | deferred blocks not removing content immediately when animations are enabled (#51971) | | fix - df58c0b714 | disallow afterRender in reactive contexts (#52138) | | fix - 5d61221ed7 | disallow using effect inside reactive contexts (#52138) | | fix - 99e7629159 | do not remove used ng-template nodes in control flow migration (#52186) | | fix - c7ff9dff2c | drop mutate function from the signals public API (#51821) | | fix - 00128e3853 | drop mutate function from the signals public API (#51821) (#51986) | | fix - ddef3ac9a4 | effects wait for ngOnInit for their first run (#52473) | | fix - 5ead7d412d | ensure a consumer drops all its stale producers (#51722) | | fix - 1dd8558f82 | Ensure backwards-referenced transplanted views are refreshed (#51854) | | fix - 50ad074505 | framework debug APIs getDependenciesForTokenInInjector and getInjectorMetadata (#51719) | | fix - 80e7a0f8fa | guard usages of performance.mark (#52505) | | fix - b9ea2d6900 | handle aliased index with no space in control flow migration (#52444) | | fix - ffe9b1fcc2 | handle for alias with as in control flow migration (#52183) | | fix - e5720edb46 | handle if alias in control flow migration (#52181) | | fix - 4461cefa4f | handle trackBy and aliased index in control flow migration (#52423) | | fix - 7368b8aaeb | host directive validation not picking up duplicate directives on component node (#52073) | | fix - 696f003553 | mutation bug in getDependenciesFromInjectable (#52450) | | fix - d487014785 | Remove no longer needed build rule related to removed migration (#52143) | | fix - 4da08dc2ef | remove unnecessary migration (#52141) | | fix - 384d7aacd0 | replace assertion with more intentional error (#52427) | | fix - 40bb45f329 | Respect OnPush change detection strategy for dynamically created components (#51356) | | fix - 3a19d6b743 | run afterRender callbacks outside of the Angular zone (#51385) | | fix - a2ba5482c3 | use TNode instead of LView for mapping injector providers (#52436) | | fix - d5dad3eb4c | viewport trigger deregistering callbacks multiple times (#52115) | | perf - 8e4a7ab52b | avoid repeated access to LContainer and trackBy calculation (#52227) | | perf - 1dc14d9853 | avoid unnecessary callbacks in after render hooks (#52292) | | perf - e90694259e | build-in for should update indexes only when views were added / removed (#52051) | | perf - 1032c1e1a5 | cache LiveCollectionLContainerImpl (#52227) | | perf - 685d01e106 | chain template instructions (#51546) | | perf - 88a0af64fd | generate arrow functions for pure function calls (#51668) | | perf - 37d627dbd4 | minimze trackBy calculations (#52227) | | perf - 3861a73135 | Update LView consumer to only mark component for check (#52302) | | refactor - 9b9e11fcaf | deprecate allowing full context object to be replaced in EmbeddedViewRef (#51887) | | refactor - ba9fc2419e | deprecate the NgProbeToken (#51396) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 7dde42a5df | allow customization of the HttpTransferCache. (#52029) | | fix - 8156b3d4ec | Don't override the backend when using the InMemoryWebAPI (#52425) | | perf - bd9e91ecf7 | reduce data transfer when using HTTP caching (#52347) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 449830f24e | Complete inside @switch (#52153) | | feat - e2416a284f | Enable go to definition of styleUrl (#51746) | | feat - 023a181ba5 | Implement outlining spans for control flow blocks (#52062) | | feat - 7c052bb6ef | Support autocompletion for blocks (#52121) | | fix - 9d565cd6d6 | Autocomplete block keywords in more cases (#52198) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 5a20a44c64 | ng-add schematics for application builder (#51777) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - f0da7c2e44 | schematic to remove deprecated CompilerOptions properties (#49672) | | feat - 965ce5a8c5 | Schematics for TransferState, StateKey and makeStateKey migration. (#49594) | | fix - 09e905ad67 | account for separator characters inside strings (#52525) | | fix - 4c878f90d2 | Add support for nested structures inside a switch statement (#52358) | | fix - d7397fb29b | Ensure control flow migration ignores new block syntax (#52402) | | fix - 6a01d62b9d | fix broken migration when no control flow is present (#52399) | | fix - 9c2be715a3 | Fixes a bug in the ngFor pre-v5 alias translation (#52531) | | fix - 54fed68bbf | Fixes the root level template offset in control flow migration (#52355) | | fix - 57404d4723 | handle comma-separated syntax in ngFor (#52525) | | fix - 54bc384661 | handle nested classes in block entities migration (#52309) | | fix - c9b1ddff4d | handle nested classes in control flow migration (#52309) | | fix - 6988a0070e | handle ngIf else condition with no whitespaces (#52504) | | fix - e40e55d902 | Remove unhelpful parsing errors from the log (#52401) | | fix - c267f54bc3 | Update regex to better match ng-templates (#52529) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - c340d6e044 | enable removal of styles on component destroy by default (#51571) | | feat - c5daa6ce77 | expose EventManagerPlugin in the public API. (#49969) | | fix - 5b375d106f | Fire Animations events when using async animations. (#52087) | | fix - 65786b2b96 | prevent duplicate stylesheets from being created (#52019) | | fix - 75d610d420 | set animation properties when using async animations. (#52087) | | perf - 3c0577f991 | disable styles of removed components instead of removing (#51808) | | perf - c9cde3ab10 | only append style element on creation (#52237) | | refactor - dbc14eb41d | remove withNoDomReuse function (#52057) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 0c66e2424c | resolve relative requests URL (#52326) |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 1da28f4825 | Add callback to execute when a view transition is created (#52002) | | feat - 73e4bf2ed2 | Add feature to support the View Transitions API (#51314) | | feat - 86e91463af | Add option to skip the first view transition (#51825) | | fix - ce1b915868 | Allow redirects after an absolute redirect (#51731) | | fix - 37df395be0 | children of routes with loadComponent should not inherit parent data by default (#52114) | | fix - 4dce8766f8 | Ensure newly resolved data is inherited by child routes (#52167) | | fix - f464e39364 | Ensure title observable gets latest values (#51561) | | fix - b2aff43621 | Remove urlHandlingStrategy from public Router properties (#51631) | | fix - c62e680098 | Remove deprecated Router properties (#51502) | | fix - 3c6258c85b | Remove deprecated setupTestingRouter function (#51826) | | fix - 0b3e6a41d0 | Remove malformedUriErrorHandler from ExtraOptions (#51745) | | fix - c03baed854 | use DOCUMENT token instead of document directly in view transitions (#51814) |

Breaking Changes

  • Node.js v16 support has been removed and the minimum support version has been bumped to 18.13.0.

Node.js v16 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-09-11. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v16 in Angular v17. For Node.js release schedule details, please see:


  • the NgSwitch directive now defaults to the === equality operator, migrating from the previously used ==. NgSwitch expressions and / or individual condition values need adjusting to this stricter equality check. The added warning message should help pinpointing NgSwitch usages where adjustements are needed. ### core
  • Angular now required zone.js version ~0.14.0
  • Versions of TypeScript older than 5.2 are no longer supported.
  • The mutate method was removed from the WritableSignal interface and completely dropped from the public API surface. As an alternative please use the update method and make immutable changes to the object.

Example before:

  items.mutate(itemsArray => itemsArray.push(newItem));

Example after:

  items.update(itemsArray => [itemsArray, …newItem]);
  • The mutate method was removed from the WritableSignal interface and completely dropped from the public API surface. As an alternative please use the update method and make immutable changes to the object.

Example before:

  items.mutate(itemsArray => itemsArray.push(newItem));

Example after:

  items.update(itemsArray => [itemsArray, …newItem]);
  • OnPush components that are created dynamically now only have their host bindings refreshed and ngDoCheck run during change detection if they are dirty. Previously, a bug in the change detection would result in the OnPush configuration of dynamically created components to be ignored when executing host bindings and the ngDoCheck function. This is rarely encountered but can happen if code has a handle on the ComponentRef instance and updates values read in the OnPush component template without then calling either markForCheck or detectChanges on that component's ChangeDetectorRef. ### platform-browser
  • REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY default value is now true. This causes CSS of components to be removed from the DOM when destroyed. You retain the previous behaviour by providing the REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY injection token.
  import {REMOVE_STYLES_ON_COMPONENT_DESTROY} from '@angular/platform-browser';
  providers: [{
    useValue: false,
  • The withNoDomReuse() function was removed from the public API. If you need to disable hydration, you can exclude the provideClientHydration() call from provider list in your application (which would disable hydration features for the entire application) or use ngSkipHydration attribute to disable hydration for particular components. See this guide for additional information: ### router
  • Absolute redirects no longer prevent further redirects. Route configurations may need to be adjusted to prevent infinite redirects where additional redirects were previously ignored after an absolute redirect occurred.
  • Routes with loadComponent would incorrectly cause child routes to inherit their data by default. The default paramsInheritanceStrategy is emptyOnly. If parent data should be inherited in child routes, this should be manually set to always.
  • urlHandlingStrategy has been removed from the Router public API. This should instead be configured through the provideRouter or RouterModule.forRoot APIs.
  • The following Router properties have been removed from the public API:

    • canceledNavigationResolution
    • paramsInheritanceStrategy
    • titleStrategy
    • urlUpdateStrategy
    • malformedUriErrorHandler

These should instead be configured through the provideRouter or RouterModule.forRoot APIs. - The setupTestingRouter function has been removed. Use RouterModule.forRoot or provideRouter to setup the Router for tests instead. - malformedUriErrorHandler is no longer available in the RouterModule.forRoot options. URL parsing errors should instead be handled in the UrlSerializer.parse method.


  • Deep and legacy dist/ imports like zone.js/bundles/zone-testing.js and zone.js/dist/zone are no longer allowed. zone-testing-bundle and zone-testing-node-bundle are also no longer part of the package.

The proper way to import zone.js and zone.js/testing is: js import 'zone.js'; import 'zone.js/testing';



  • The AnimationDriver.NOOP symbol is deprecated, use NoopAnimationDriver instead. ### core
  • ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges is deprecated.

Test code should use ComponentFixture instead of ChangeDetectorRef. Application code should not call ChangeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges directly. - Swapping out the context object for EmbeddedViewRef is no longer supported. Support for this was introduced with v12.0.0, but this pattern is rarely used. There is no replacement, but you can use simple assignments in most cases, or Object.assign , or alternatively still replace the full object by using aProxy(seeNgTemplateOutlet` as an example).

Also adds a warning if the deprecated - NgProbeToken

The NgProbeToken is not used internally since the transition from View Engine to Ivy. The token has no utility and can be removed from applications and libraries.