Kubernetes: v0.20.0 Release

Release date:
June 26, 2015
Previous version:
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7,308 Diff Delta
51 total committers
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440 Features Released with v0.20.0

Top Contributors in v0.20.0


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Release Notes Published




PRs merged up to and including #9736 in increasing time-of-merge order: - Decrease threshold for density (2s) and load test (1s) #9565 (fgrzadkowski) - Print latency metrics before the density test #9574 (fgrzadkowski) - fix auth in gce/upgrade.sh #9557 (mikedanese) - Release 0.19.0 #9458 (brendandburns) - update examples/kubectl-container to v1 #9588 (caesarxuchao) - Make error msg for updating resource version more clear #9569 (jhadvig) - Document that leading dots allowed in secret names #9480 (erictune) - refactor createAPIServerClient for easier integration with 3rd party … #9423 (jdef) - Revert "Make error msg for updating resource version more clear" #9598 (ArtfulCoder) - Clarify where DNS resolution works. #9226 (erictune) - Etcd log mount #9491 (ArtfulCoder) - switch to generateName for namespace creation #9409 (lavalamp) - Added explanation about firewall and external IP to nginx example. #9437 (kprobst) - Add a test that verifies pods with resource limits schedule. #9514 (brendandburns) - Upgrade examples/guestbook to v1 #9455 (caesarxuchao) - Document why we use 'tr -d' instead of 'base64 w0' #9543 (ddysher) - Make check err testable #9500 (andronat) - Add liveness checks to the controller-manager and scheduler. #9383 (brendandburns) - remove useless glog.Infof #9550 (feihujiang) - Clarify a few things in Cassandra example. #9443 (goltermann) - Make it clear which part should be supplied by the user. #9551 (brendandburns) - rotate docker log #9568 (marekbiskup) - Fix DNS example due to default DNS domain rename #9607 (ddysher) - Change update-demo example to use v1 #9604 (krousey) - Changing rethinkdb example to use v1 #9618 (krousey) - Document imagePullSecrets #9495 (erictune) - Explicitly specifying 0 replicas since default changed #9642 (krousey) - Simplify e2e.RunRC method and wait up to 10 minutes for pods to start #9571 (fgrzadkowski) - Wait longer for firewall creation during e2e cluster setup. #9658 (fgrzadkowski) - Changing walkthrough to v1 #9602 (krousey) - Document what happens when pod uses nonexistent secret. #8981 (erictune) - Cauldron soak test #9530 (satnam6502) - Counter pod used in logging blog article #9669 (satnam6502) - Diagrams for cloud logging blog article #9624 (satnam6502) - update examples/logging-demo to v1 #9614 (caesarxuchao) - Allow gke provider to handle internal gcloud versions for testing. #9639 (jlowdermilk) - Add missing analytics tag to unbreak shippable. #9672 (jlowdermilk) - Add a warning that setting --port flag to Kubelet breaks "kubectl log… #9617 (davidopp) - [docs/] Some minor README updates (readability/selinux) #9471 (jayunit100) - Add namespace describer #9504 (derekwaynecarr) - Add instructions for validating the DNS server. #9548 (brendandburns) - update examples/celery-rabbitmq to v1 #9508 (caesarxuchao) - Add some troubleshooting instructions. #9509 (brendandburns) - Don't require a space at the end of GINKGO_TEST_ARGS #9539 (quinton-hoole) - Enable InfluxDB/Grafana for GCE in addition to GCL. Disable GCM #9309 (saad-ali) - Make resize tests work on GKE #9506 (cjcullen) - Parameterize minStartupPods #8793 (jayunit100) - AWS: Include (idempotent) ensure-temp-dir in upload-server-tars #9481 (justinsb) - examples/cluster-dns and examples/downward-api to v1 #9516 (caesarxuchao) - Fixes quoting on systemd drop-in for DOCKER_OPTS. #9572 (EricMountain-1A) - improve output of kube_get_url & fix #6548 #9513 (lavalamp) - update examples/hazelcast to v1 #9532 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/glusterfs to v1 #9528 (caesarxuchao) - Update examples/kubernetes-namespaces to v1 #9589 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/explorer to v1 #9525 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/limitrange to v1 #9596 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/liveness to v1 #9603 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/mysql-wordpress-pd to v1 #9625 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/meteor to v1 #9619 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/nfs to v1 #9636 (caesarxuchao) - link to k8s-mesos known issues #9667 (jdef) - update examples/node-selection to v1 #9638 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/guestbook-go to v1 #9643 (caesarxuchao) - Changing persisten-volumes example to use v1 #9637 (krousey) - Change rbd example to use v1 #9628 (krousey) - Change spark and secrets example to use v1 #9609 (krousey) - Using bigger node for minions for jenkin-e2e tests. #9678 (dchen1107) - Fix #9506 #9686 (jlowdermilk) - Reboot e2e test made more robust by using nohup. #9117 (jszczepkowski) - Change openshift-origin example to use v1 #9644 (krousey) - Change redis example to use v1 #9627 (krousey) - update the single files in examples/ to v1 #9640 (caesarxuchao) - AWS: Support wheezy, for parity with GCE #9371 (justinsb) - Update to heapster v0.14.0 #9615 (vishh) - Specify project when checking for existence of instance templates. #9695 (quinton-hoole) - Aggressively delete a cluster template if it exists. #9702 (brendandburns) - Avoid trying to generate the pod status of a new pod #9549 (bprashanth) - Increase threshold for density test to accomodate slower 4 core master #9709 (fgrzadkowski) - Upstream Kubernetes-Mesos framework #8882 (jdef) - Add a missing $PROJECT to the tear down. #9719 (brendandburns) - Change the CHANGELOG to be a pointer to the releases page. #9547 (brendandburns) - update examples/cassandra to v1 #9507 (caesarxuchao) - update examples/elasticsearch to v1 #9524 (caesarxuchao) - Apply test firewalls to both the new gke- node tags and the old k8s- tags #9670 (cjcullen) - Update docker dependencies. #9654 (rjnagal) - Update GCE/debian to container-vm-v20150611 #9693 (zmerlynn) - Change Phabricator example to use v1 #9635 (krousey) - export kubelet.GetPhase #9710 (jdef) - Update storm example to use v1 #9606 (krousey) - skip not ready nodes in networking test #9676 (marekbiskup) - Add some XSRF protection to kubectl proxy. #9287 (brendandburns) - e2e test cluster stability during master upgrade #9517 (mikedanese) - Update Docker instructions. #9651 (brendandburns) - Change resource quota example to use v1 #9622 (krousey) - fix unbound variable bug in cluster/common.sh #9595 (mikedanese) - Make GKE-CI test firewalls work on Jenkins #9726 (cjcullen) - Remove raw binaries from distro that are already included in docker image #9715 (fgrzadkowski) - upate examples/iscsi to v1 #9538 (caesarxuchao) - Increase timeouts for service tests. #9724 (brendandburns) - Fix rolling update e2e test #9647 (bprashanth) - Fix spammy GetHostIP error log in kubelet #9722 (mikedanese) - display pod namespace while describe node #9650 (hurf) - Fix ReadinessProbe: seperate readiness and liveness in the code #9680 (mikedanese) - Make Elasticsearch logging test check for node failures #9727 (satnam6502) - Update SSH User for AWS Utils #9735 (iterion) - Update Guestbook Example to use Labels for Cleanup #9684 (goltermann) - Fixes thread leak from discarded watch #9515 (markturansky) - Allow adding a suffix to the devel staging path for server tars on GCS. #9744 (ixdy) - simplify flannel configuration on rackspace #9579 (doublerr) - Copy edits for spelling errors and typos #9652 (epc) - nfs example: Fix document root in comment #9723 (swagiaal) - Optionalize (default false) --insecure-registry. #9685 (brendandburns) - Add logging at RunInContainer for future debugging docker exec issues. #9749 (dchen1107) - Revert "Optionalize (default false) --insecure-registry." #9761 (dchen1107) - Restore service latency test & fix bugs #9592 (lavalamp) - Add a proxy test #9698 (lavalamp) - Fix flakey nested concurrent unit test in contrib/mesos/pkg/proc #9775 (jdef) - skip flakey unit test for now #9767 (jdef) - Fix printing deleted pods from RC during e2e tests #9714 (fgrzadkowski) - Fix error message for missing imagePullPolicy #9797 (fgrzadkowski) - Upstream Kubernetes Mesos controller manager and km binary #9265 (tsenart) - Add missing gcloud --project flags introduced by PR #9016 #9738 (quinton-hoole) - [hack/] Modularize local-up into clean functions so its self documenting #9479 (jayunit100) - Fix vagrant client authorization. #9563 (BenTheElder) - added two event entries for Craig Box - cloud world forum #9800 (RichieEscarez) - Update examples/k8petstore to v1 #9586 (caesarxuchao) - Update Wordpress and Meteor example README's #9629 (jeffmendoza) - Export GetIptablesVersion utility in pkg/util/iptables #9679 (BenTheElder) - Update heapster's combined googleinfluxdb version to 0.14.0. #9699 (a-robinson) - Fix kubernetes-mesos issue 342: pod readiness bug #9741 (jdef) - increase timeout for nested concurrent test... #9785 (jdef) - Version bump to 0.18.2 #9466 (syst3mw0rm) - Add links to 0.19.0 #9751 (brendandburns) - Rename emptyDir e2e test cases #9554 (pmorie) - make the kind not registered in versions error message more precise #9772 (feihujiang) - Memory leak: REST client metrics capture grows unbounded #9584 (smarterclayton) - Fix mesos plugin-test race #9789 (sttts) - fix panic in kubectl --validate when no apiVersion is passed #9597 (mikedanese) - Add extra logging to help debug logging test issue #9812 (satnam6502) - AWS: Stop the master kubelet from registering as a node (like GCE does) #9747 (justinsb) - Adjust Fluentd source format for Docker files to be JSON for Cloud Lo… #9687 (satnam6502) - AWS: delay less when creating tags #9746 (justinsb) - Fix excessively verbose logging in master's kubelet #9759 (mikedanese) - Jenkins E2E build should not fail if symlink to junit file already exists #9784 (saad-ali) - AWS: Create our own route table & tag it for management #9745 (justinsb) - Making error msg for updating resource version more clear #9799 (jhadvig) - Add static pod support to mesos scheduler and executor. #9077 (joerg84) - Using bigger nodes for e2e test on gce. #9813 (dchen1107) - kube_addons - Adding variable with default for kubectl bin. #9616 (jeffbean) - Added what seems to be the default allowable port range for NodePort to the docs #9697 (pnovotnak) - Add label support for kubectl describe #9705 (hurf) - Add a missing ${PROJECT} #9832 (brendandburns) - Add a better message if the user doesn't specify a resource type. #9522 (brendandburns) - Don't rewrite relative URLs when proxying HTTP content. #9768 (timstclair) - Set the project when creating/destroying pd disks. #9830 (brendandburns) - update the api conversion tool to default to v1 #9814 (caesarxuchao) - Removing legacyBehavior param from pkg/client #9825 (nikhiljindal) - Its bad to spawn a gofunc per quota with large number of quotas #9716 (derekwaynecarr) - Skip density test in a regular e2e run #9858 (fgrzadkowski) - e2e: in core dump, add delta to waitgroup outside of goroutine #9732 (ixdy) - e2e test for addon upgrade #9493 (marekbiskup) - Minor typos in cluster/addons/README.md #9856 (justinsb) - Fix route regexp for gce-kube-down #9135 (jlowdermilk) - Remove the last provider-specific handling in kubectl.sh, ginkgo-e2e.sh #9227 (jlowdermilk) - small clarifications in RC doc #9872 (marekbiskup) - doc links #9869 (marekbiskup) - Updating heapster version to v0.14.1. #9886 (vishh) - remove PodContainerInfo from api/types.go #9823 (caesarxuchao) - Make Google Cloud Logging the default for GCE #9758 (satnam6502) - formatting #9871 (marekbiskup) - clarification of name uniqueness #9867 (marekbiskup) - add livenessProbe to kube-apiserver.manifest #9847 (mikedanese) - Revert the revert of https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pull/9761 #9769 (brendandburns) - Changed busybox image to gcr.io image for PV Recyclers #9894 (markturansky) - Remove the redirect verb. #9826 (brendandburns) - Add conformance column to matrix. #9811 (erictune) - Update pkg/api/testapi because namespace is always in the path now #9835 (caesarxuchao) - Eliminate possible infinite loop in exec #9890 (ncdc) - Add some more logic to clean up the release-notes generation. #9770 (brendandburns) - Remove dead code #9820 (thockin) - remove broken ginkgo Done concept from tests #9839 (lavalamp) - Updating heapster service labels to make it compatible with kubectl cluster-info #9901 (vishh) - Update docker k8s approach #9786 (WIZARD-CXY) - Quote integers correctly #9582 (mnagy) - Shorten container ID in events #9706 (hurf) - Fix typo in volumes e2e #9900 (pmorie) - add some more temporary files to gitignore #9730 (mikedanese) - Allow docker/ or other source directory for local-up #9831 (jayunit100) - servicecontroller: last state applied to LB vs last state seen #9912 (justinsb) - Updating heapster to v0.14.2 #9917 (vishh) - cleanup some of the e2e service reachability code #9648 (mikedanese) - Create an example pod for AWS EBS #9665 (swagiaal) - Fixing an error I saw in testing, that make clean resolves. #9668 (mbruzek) - gce 'getting started' cleanup. #9780 (amygdala) - Fix flaky mesos executor test #9796 (sttts) - Use runtime cache to serve container /stats requests #9809 (bprashanth) - remove pkg/config/config_test.json #9829 (caesarxuchao) - fix longRunningRequestRE to something that doesn't match pretty much all requests #9882 (mikedanese) - switch some more images to gcr for reliability #9887 (brendandburns) - remove references to v1beta1 in common_test.go #9918 (caesarxuchao) - AWS: Define new m4 instance types #9701 (justinsb) - Add startup latency e2e "test" #9186 (gmarek) - Scrape /metrics of kubelets from e2e tests #9523 (bprashanth) - Make admission errors clearer #9774 (liggitt) - add k8petstore-nodeport.sh for examples/k8petstore #9748 (caesarxuchao) - Minor fixes & TODOs for e2e tests #9923 (justinsb) - remove string "v1beta1" from streamer_test.go #9916 (caesarxuchao) - Html rewrite #9827 (timstclair) - remove pkg/api/validation/testdata/v1beta1/* #9828 (caesarxuchao) - Switch to loading busybox from gcr. #9884 (brendandburns) - AWS: e2e: Add support for getSigner for AWS #9908 (justinsb) - Add missing source to ubuntu/util.sh #9948 (jlowdermilk) - correction: lastState.termination renamed to lastState.terminated #9941 (marekbiskup) - Fix variable binding bug when saving logs #9969 (fgrzadkowski) - Lower cpu requirements in examples (from 1 to 0.5) #9930 (mwielgus) - Pod IP should be described with Pods #9974 (smarterclayton) - Configured resource-only container /docker-daemon with 70% of node me… #9961 (dchen1107) - Rephrase test descriptions. #9817 (erictune) - Update cadvisor dependency. #9750 (rjnagal) - Changed PVClaimVolumeSource name to match other volume names #9608 (markturansky) - Added vagrant-libvirt plugin to vagrant provider check in install script #9527 (Rob4001) - Add a bit of extra logging to the dns test when it encounters errors. #9977 (roberthbailey) - Stop supporting TRACE proxy requests #9898 (nikhiljindal) - Small nit cleanup for getting-started-guides #9986 (dchen1107) - Fixed broken link to addons/README.md #9989 (kazhang) - Fixed typo in error string #9982 (markturansky) - Add LimitRange range validation #9897 (derekwaynecarr) - Document how a secrets server like Vault or Keywhiz might fit into Kubernetes #9098 (benmccann) - Remove ?namespace= param handling/defaulting #9600 (liggitt) - Fix benign data race in pod workers #9926 (bprashanth) - remove references to v1beta1/2 in listwatch_test.go #9954 (caesarxuchao) - Add diagnostics to check for not ready endpoints #9996 (satnam6502) - Migrated kubectl cluster-info to v1. #9936 (piosz) - Allow nodename to be != hostname, use AWS instance ID on AWS #9728 (justinsb) - Improve error output of kubectl update #9803 (satnam6502) - Changed printing in a test file #10028 (andronat) - remove reference to v1beta3 in logging-demo #10026 (caesarxuchao) - Revert "Allow nodename to be != hostname, use AWS instance ID on AWS" #10047 (satnam6502) - remove reference to v1beta3 in update-demo example #10039 (caesarxuchao) - Add readiness probe to Elasticsearch and Kibana logging pods #10037 (satnam6502) - remove references to v1beta3 in rethinkdb example #10027 (caesarxuchao) - Update cassandra example README to v1 #10023 (ddysher) - Truncate SSH usernames to 32 chars. #10006 (brendandburns) - Consolidate git setup documentation #9503 (JeffPaine) - stabilization of Network.should survive network partition. #9671 (marekbiskup) - Update the kubelet to ignore syncing Pods until the container runtime is up. #10002 (brendandburns) - Fix path parameter swagger validation errors #9970 (nikhiljindal) - Fix a few e2e references to allow gke to test dogfood builds #10063 (jlowdermilk) - Fix of reverted #9728 #10057 (justinsb) - add e2e readiness tests #9985 (mikedanese) - reenable patch serverside using strategic-merge-patch #9993 (mikedanese) - Validate binaries downloaded from GCS: #10050 (zmerlynn) - Slow down creation of additional pods in density.go e2e #10020 (piosz) - Hot fix for ubuntu k8s #10005 (WIZARD-CXY) - Add some more logging so that we can debug PD delete errors. #10001 (brendandburns) - add debugging transport for client #10032 (deads2k) - Add devel doc laying out the steps to add new metrics to the code base. #9992 (a-robinson) - remove e2e run before cluster upgrade #9988 (mikedanese) - Re-enable ECDSA private server key use #9927 (liggitt) - Give PATCH operations a better output in Swagger #9962 (smarterclayton) - Changed "controller" to "replication controller" #9907 (RichieEscarez) - fixed broken link #9874 (RichieEscarez) - Added document on using resources. #9821 (erictune) - remove double dash #9864 (marekbiskup) - Check for existing GCE resources in kube-up #9859 (mwielgus) - node status description improved #9863 (marekbiskup) - small corrections to pod-states doc #9865 (marekbiskup) - move resources description to the end to reduce forward references #9880 (marekbiskup) - AWS: Enable restart e2e tests #9909 (justinsb) - Change density relist period to better reflect the kubelet's watch #10044 (bprashanth) - check IsNotExist error when validating mountpoint #9957 (rootfs) - Document assumption made by node-controller, and fix AWS to match #9910 (justinsb) - Do not register cross namespace actions with subresources in path #9991 (nikhiljindal) - fix links in accessing-the-cluster.md #9939 (marekbiskup) - Add system: prefix to service account usernames #9855 (liggitt) - Cleaning up apiserver method signatures #9841 (smarterclayton) - Delete TODO notes #10019 (feihujiang) - s/gcloud preview docker/gcloud docker/ #10053 (timstclair) - Fixed pointers bug in PATCH verb in the API #9806 (manansaraf) - Apply BeforeCreate logic to kubernetes service #9845 (liggitt) - Kubelet event logging is classified as V(3) #9973 (smarterclayton) - update cluster-info output to v1 #9692 (caesarxuchao) - Refactor Routes, and dynamically configure minion CIDRs on AWS #9720 (justinsb) - Validate service account name in pod spec #9688 (liggitt) - fix config file #10067 (lavalamp) - fix locking around ssh tunnels #10069 (lavalamp) - Revert "Validate service account name in pod spec" #10083 (satnam6502) - addon doc improved #9851 (marekbiskup) - add issue reference to TODOs #10086 (marekbiskup) - Revert "Revert "Validate service account name in pod spec"" #10090 (satnam6502) - add link to cluster addons README #10088 (marekbiskup) - AWS: Run minions in Auto Scaling Group #9921 (justinsb) - fix vagrant networking #10073 (rajatchopra) - docs: add some missing newlines #10011 (tnguyen-rh) - Rename pod.spec.serviceAccount -> pod.spec.serviceAccountName for v1 #10081 (liggitt) - Split AsVersionedObjects so it can be reused #9972 (smarterclayton) - Make kubelet first acknowledge time of a pod as Pod.Status.StartTime. #10066 (dchen1107) - Assign host's IPAddress to podIP when pod shares the host's network #10048 (rajatchopra) - Release 0.19.1 #9842 (brendandburns) - Fixed formatting of unmount error message #10092 (markturansky) - add links to unlinked documents; move making-release-notes.md to devel #10094 (marekbiskup) - Minor fixups to iSCSI example. #10095 (swagiaal) - fix master precommit hook #10099 (mikedanese) - Node upgrade test #9987 (mbforbes) - Merge release 0.19.1 to master #10096 (brendandburns) - fix broken integration tests #10104 (mikedanese) - kubelet: clean up tests #9346 (yifan-gu) - improve kubectl create --validate, aggregate errors and handle requir… #10007 (feihujiang) - yet another special case for e2e script #10106 (jlowdermilk) - based on #9966: fix annoying 'please check...' messages; remove v1beta1&2 ref #10076 (caesarxuchao) - fix annoying 'please check...' messages; remove v1beta1&2 ref #9966 (lavalamp) - remove references to v1beta3 in phabricator example #10040 (caesarxuchao) - fix bash typo in jenkins/e2e.sh #10110 (jlowdermilk) - Fix the label selector for Elasticsearch logging pods #10117 (satnam6502) - Be more judicious about cleaning up service account tokens #10041 (liggitt) - Bump ectd client and fix initializing IP/Port allocators when etcd is not reachable #9862 (fgrzadkowski) - Updating heapster to v0.14.3. #10118 (vishh) - Fix environment document about DNS and service IP #10111 (ddysher) - kubectl log->logs in bash completions #10113 (eparis) - Log any suspicious kubelet latency metrics from density e2e #10101 (bprashanth) - Adding Perl client to list of User Libs #10129 (perljedi) - exclude the port number when checking a request in "kubectl proxy" #10105 (caesarxuchao) - Validate port protocol case strictly #9919 (liggitt) - Kubelet: record the initial pod processing latency #9457 (yujuhong) - Fix kubectl stop rc with sequence numbers #9739 (bprashanth) - make clientcmd use inClusterConfig only if no other configs are available #10102 (mikedanese) - Allow explicit pinned versions to be specified for jenkins runs #10141 (jlowdermilk) - GKE upgrade tests #10133 (mbforbes) - timeout in addon_update e2e test increased #10172 (marekbiskup) - Adding Reason to PodStatus #9490 (andronat) - OPTIONS should be passed through the proxy #9963 (smarterclayton) - Don't assume we always SSH as the current user #9905 (justinsb) - clarification of how to access a secret from a pod #9934 (marekbiskup) - Synthetic counter RC for load testing #9967 (satnam6502) - Augmented kubelet healthz with syncLoop check. #10004 (ArtfulCoder) - Release 0.19.3 #10184 (zmerlynn) - Revert "Release 0.19.3" #10186 (zmerlynn) - Release 0.19.3 #10187 (zmerlynn) - Printing resource labels as columns #9876 (andronat) - Also grab the kubelet log from the master. #10162 (brendandburns) - Remove some dead code. #10151 (brendandburns) - Fixing Kubernetes UI Graph Component's Legend Height Issue #10165 (imesh) - Update the services web ui for nodeport and loadbalancer #8947 (bcbroussard) - Admission control exposes subresource #10052 (derekwaynecarr) - Use vagrant command instead of salt. #10170 (sandoracs) - update examples/cassandra kubectl output to the latest version #10167 (caesarxuchao) - Fixed PV recycler ActiveDeadlineSeconds precision #10152 (markturansky) - Remove readiness probes to Elasticsearch and Kibana logging #10145 (satnam6502) - log a message when we fall back to service account #10148 (mikedanese) - In scalability tests wait until terminating namespaces are deleted #10175 (wojtek-t) - Merge release 0.19.3 to master #10193 (zmerlynn) - Add tables of contents to getting started guides. #10189 (erictune) - Getting started guide cleanup #10191 (erictune) - Disable TestProc_doWithNestedXConcurrent #10199 (jlowdermilk) - Add more SANs to the master certificate. #10107 (roberthbailey) - Continue on #9754, Improvements to the guestbook README, switch to .yaml files #10204 (caesarxuchao) - Improvements to the guestbook README, switch to .yaml files #9754 (amygdala) - Service account documentation improvement #9911 (erictune) - AWS: Use RSA to Generate Fingerprint #9737 (iterion) - Update one of the diagrams for logging blog article #9810 (satnam6502) - don't fail etcd SIGKILL test when apiserver returns an error #10201 (mikedanese) - Retry Elasticsearch logging health check #10233 (satnam6502) - Update Getting Started logging docs for Cloud Logging #10203 (satnam6502) - Replace kubectl.sh with kubectl in the liveness example. #10205 (roberthbailey) - Prevent restarts of kube-controller from overshooting and correcting replicas #10147 (bprashanth) - Admission control attributes has access to resource name #9975 (derekwaynecarr) - Fix indentation of ToC in Getting-Started-Guides.. #10226 (erictune) - Add a link for how to enable API in developers console. #10240 (JanetKuo) - Fix kubelet deadlock #10182 (bprashanth) - Updating the error message to say node instead of minion #10192 (nikhiljindal) - Set resource limit for both heapster and influxdb container based on #10260 (dchen1107) - Expose /resetMetrics handle in apiserver #10216 (wojtek-t) - Add PR merge policy for RC. #10245 (goltermann) - Rename Google Cloud Logging doc appropriately #10259 (satnam6502) - Fix the race between configuring cbr0 and restarting static pods #10211 (dchen1107) - Documentation for logging with Elasticsearch and Kibana #10206 (satnam6502) - Fixes wrong "kubectl config set-credentials" examples #10188 (fabianofranz) - unlink testlibs from kube-apiserver and kubelet, remove test flags #10249 (mikedanese) - Reset latency metrics before starting scalability tests #10218 (wojtek-t) - Increase timeout for namespace deletion. #10225 (wojtek-t) - Revert "Fix the race between configuring cbr0 and restarting static p… #10281 (piosz) - Fix logging in scalability tests #10283 (wojtek-t) - Verify upgrades change node/master software version #10273 (mbforbes) - Allow update without resource version #10074 (nikhiljindal) - Update update-demo to work for v1, and don't use localhost domain name #10230 (ihmccreery) - Fix labelSelector query param inconsistency in docs #10270 (jlowdermilk) - Switch to using the official etcd health check. #10277 (brendandburns) - Mesos: create static pod file source only for configured static pods #10219 (sttts) - Revive conformance test. #9816 (erictune) - Fix the warning when you create an externalized service #10134 (brendandburns) - Remove nginx from vagrant configuration #10236 (derekwaynecarr) - Add text on accessing ES and Kibana via kubectl proxy #10304 (satnam6502) - Added test that verify Internet connection from inside of container. #10285 (piosz) - kubelet/status_manager: Small logging fix. #10253 (yifan-gu) - Do not use outdated flags in accessing_the_api.md #10276 (ddysher) - port Addon update test to v1 api #10279 (marekbiskup) - remove repeat failure command option and increase timeouts in etcd failure e2e #10314 (mikedanese) - AWS: Enable resize tests #9922 (justinsb) - Show resource limits with describe #9304 (jsdir) - Removing ContainerManifest #9807 (krousey) - Updating local-cluster-up to v1 #10310 (nikhiljindal) - Take 2: Fix the race between configuring cbr0 and restarting static pods #10312 (dchen1107) - Add dependencies on docker and kubelet service when copying master co… #10328 (dchen1107) - Fix broken mangen deps for cmd/genman #10154 (viirya) - add missing document links #10173 (marekbiskup) - update docker's resolv.conf file with options ndots:5 #10266 (ArtfulCoder) - Updating the path param name to "namespace" instead of "namespaces" #10060 (nikhiljindal) - add ca cert to token controller and all service accounts #10264 (mikedanese) - Increase timeout for waiting for pods running in load test #10345 (wojtek-t) - Use the namespace of the pod when creating the mirror. #10330 (brendandburns) - Salt: don't assume that master => cbr-cidr #10347 (justinsb) - Enhance test api to support test cases involved multiple containers #10215 (dalanlan) - Add source in “error from server” message when using kubectl #10221 (feihujiang) - Document node capacity. #10302 (erictune) - Include PodStatus.Message and PodStatus.Reason when kubectl describe … #10332 (dchen1107) - enable networking test on a one-node local cluster #10015 (marekbiskup) - tldr for dns example; rename kubectl log to logs #10342 (marekbiskup) - Update skydns/msg dep #10336 (thockin) - fix variable shadowing bug where provided RootCA would always be a nil byte slice #10361 (mikedanese) - Update doc to reflect that only kubelet is installed directly #10360 (derekwaynecarr) - proxy e2e test improvements #10070 (lavalamp) - Update guestbook-go example #10267 (satnam6502) - Update top level logging documentation #10258 (satnam6502) - EOL Google's registry caching mirror #10296 (thockin) - Fixing spacing in documentation comments #10252 (akramer) - Changed ping to netcat in Internet connection test #10340 (piosz) - Add some sleep to the verification loop. #10364 (brendandburns) - To add validation for service ports when defined as string #9736 (sdminonne)

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