Remirror: v1.0.0 Release

Release date:
July 17, 2021
Previous version:
v1.0.0-next.60 (released December 18, 2020)
34,868 Diff Delta
8 total committers
Data confidence:

188 Commits in this Release

Ordered by the degree to which they evolved the repo in this version.

Authored January 31, 2021
Authored January 20, 2021
Authored January 30, 2021
Authored January 18, 2021
Authored January 21, 2021
Authored January 21, 2021
Authored January 16, 2021
Authored January 26, 2021
Authored January 25, 2021
Authored June 24, 2021
Authored January 21, 2021
Authored January 27, 2021
Authored February 2, 2021
Authored January 30, 2021
Authored January 28, 2021
Authored January 10, 2021
Authored February 2, 2021
Authored February 1, 2021
Authored January 19, 2021
Authored January 19, 2021

Top Contributors in v1.0.0


Directory Browser for v1.0.0

We haven't yet finished calculating and confirming the files and directories changed in this release. Please check back soon.

Release Notes Published

The new version of remirror comes with a number of enhancements and quite a few breaking changes if you were using the [email protected].* pre-releases.

The following sections outline the breaking changes and how they can be migrated if your last version was @next. For those upgrading from 0.11.0 the library has changed drastically and you'd be better off browsing the documentation.


All extensions are available via remirror/extensions

When you install the top level remirror package you are given access to every extension developed by remirror via the remirror/extension entry point.

- import { BoldExtension } from 'remirror/extension/bold';
- import { ItalicExtension } from 'remirror/extension/italic';
+ import { BoldExtension, ItalicExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';

You can also still install the extensions directly from their scoped packages.

import { BoldExtension } from '@remirror/extension-bold';

Remove remirror/react which has been replaced by @remirror/react

If your code is importing from remirror/react you should now change the import to @remirror/react.

- import { useManager } from 'remirror/react';
+ import { useRemirror } from '@remirror/react';

Update the @remirror/react API

  • Rename the original useRemirror to now be called useRemirrorContext.
  • Add new @remirror/react-components package.
  • @remirror/react exports all the hooks, components, core modules and react specific extensions from @remirror/react-core, @remirror/react-components, @remirror/react-hooks and @remirror/extension-react.

useManager was too focused on the implementation details. We've updated the API to be used in a different way and useRemirror is now the way to initialize an editor.

import React from 'react';
import { BoldExtension, ItalicExtension, UnderlineExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';
import { Remirror, useRemirror } from '@remirror/react';

const extensions = () => [new BoldExtension(), new ItalicExtension(), new UnderlineExtension()];

const Editor = () => {
  const { manager } = useRemirror({ extensions });

  return <Remirror manager={manager} />;

The previous useRemirror is now called useRemirrorContext since it plucks the context from the outer Remirror Component. The ~~<RemirrorProvider />~~ has been renamed to <Remirror /> and automatically renders an editor.

When no children are provided to the <Remirror /> component it will automatically render a container div where the prosemirror editor will be placed. If you do add children it is up to you to import the <EditorComponent /> and add it to the children or set the autoRender prop to 'start' | 'end' | true.

~~useManager~~ has been marked as @internal (although it is still exported) and going forward you should be using useRemirror as shown in the above example.


@remirror/preset-table is now @remirror/extension-tables. The TableExtension uses the new createExtension method to inject the TableRowExtension which in turn injects the TableCellExtension and TableHeaderCellExtension. To use tables in your editor the following is sufficient.

import { TableExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';
import { Remirror, useRemirror } from '@remirror/react';

const Editor = () => {
  const { manager } = useRemirror({ extensions: () => [TableExtension()] });

  return <Remirror manager={manager} />;


  • New Rect interface returned by the positioner x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number;
  • Added visible property which shows if the position currently visible within the editor viewport.
  • Improved scrolling when using the positioner.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs in the positioner API.
  • This DOMRect represents an absolute position within the document. It is up to your consuming component to consume the rect.

  • Renamed the positioners in line with the new functionality.

import React from 'react';
import { BoldExtension, CorePreset, ItalicExtension, MarkdownExtension } from 'remirror/extension';
import { Remirror, useRemirror } from '@remirror/react';

const Editor = () => {
  const { manager, onChange, state } = useRemirror({
    extensions: () => [new BoldExtension(), new ItalicExtension()],
    content: '<p><strong>I am strong.</strong> and <em>I am emphasized</em></p>',
    stringHandler: 'html',

  return <Remirror manager={manager} onChange={onChange} state={state} />;


  • Rename useKeymap to useKeymaps. The original useKeymap now has a different signature.
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { BoldExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';
import { Remirror, useHelpers, useKeymap, useRemirror, useRemirrorContext } from '@remirror/react';

const hooks = [
  () => {
    const active = useActive();
    const { insertText } = useCommands();
    const boldActive = active.bold();
    const handler = useCallback(() => {
      if (!boldActive) {
        return false;

      return insertText.original('\n\nWoah there!')(props);
    }, [boldActive, insertText]);

    useKeymap('Shift-Enter', handler); // Add the handler to the keypress pattern.

const Editor = () => {
  const { manager } = useRemirror({ extensions: () => [new BoldExtension()] });

  return <Remirror manager={manager} hooks={hooks} />;

Breaking Changes

  • Editor selection now defaults to the end of the document. You can change the starting point as shown below.
  import { Remirror, useRemirror } from '@remirror/react';

  const Editor = () => {
    const { manager, state } = useRemirror({ selection: 'start' });

    return <Remirror manger={manager} initialState={state} />;
  • All interfaces which were named with the pattern *Parameter have been renamed to to *Props. The only exceptions are *FrameworkParameter which are now *FrameworkOptions.
  • Remove Presets completely. In their place a function that returns a list of Extensions should be used. They were clunky, difficult to use and provided little to no value.
  • Remove @remirror/core entry-point and add all core exports to the main remirror entry-point.
  • Add all Extensions and Preset package exports to the remirror/extensions subdirectory. It doesn't include framework specific exports which are made available from @remirror/react.
  • Rename @remirror/preset-table to @remirror/extension-tables.
  • Rename preset-list to extension-lists. ListPreset is now BulletListExtension and OrderListExtension.
  • Create new decorator pattern for adding @commands, @helper functions and @keyBindings.
  • Deprecate tags property on extension and encourage the use of createTags which is a method instead.
  • Rename interface CreatePluginReturn to CreateExtensionPlugin.
  • Add support for directly updating the doc attributes.
  • Deprecate top level context methods focus and blur. They should now be consumed as commands.

Removed Packages

The following packages have been removed.

  • Remove @remirror/showcase
  • Remove @remirror/react-social
  • Remove @remirror/react-wysiwyg
  • Remove package @remirror/extension-auto-link. The functionality is now self-contained within @remirror/extension-link.



  • New createDecorations extension method for adding decorations to the ProseMirror EditorView.
  • New lifecycle methods: onInitState, onApplyState, and onApplyTransaction lifecycle methods. These correspond exactly the the plugin methods which ProseMirror exposes and can be used to create plugin functionality without creating a new plugin.
  • @command, @keyBinding, @helper decorators for increased type safety when configuring extensions.
  • NamedShortcut keybindings which can be set on the keymap extension. Currently remirror defaults to using the same shortcuts as Google Docs.
  • Add the nodeOverrides property to the extensions which for advanced users allows overriding of the default NodeSpec and MarkSpec.
  • Rename addOrReplacePlugins to updatePlugins in ExtensionStore.
  • Remove reconfigureStatePlugins and auto apply it for all plugin updating methods.

Inference of Extension Types

  • Make sure all your commands in an extension are annotated with a return type of CommandFunction. Failure to do so will break all type inference wherever the extension is used.
  import { CommandFunction } from 'remirror';
  • When setting the name of the extension make sure to use as const otherwise it will be a string and ruin autocompletion for extension names, nodes and marks.
  class MyExtension extends PlainExtension {
    get name() {
      return 'makeItConst' as const;
  • The Remirror component now has a convenient hooks props. The hooks prop takes an array of zero parameter hook functions which are rendered into the RemirrorContext. It's a shorthand to writing out your own components. You can see the pattern in use above.


There are new hooks for working with commands.

  • Each command has an original method attached for using the original command that was used to create the command. The original command has the same type signature as the (...args: any[]) => CommandFunction. So you would call it with the command arguments and then also provide the CommandProps. This is useful when composing commands together or using commands within keyBindings which need to return a boolean.

    • You can see the insertText.original being used in the useKeymap example above.
  • useCommands() provides all the commands as hook. useChainedCommands provides all the chainable commands.

  import { useCallback } from 'react';
  import { useChainedCommands, useKeymap } from '@remirror/react';

  function useLetItGo() {
    const chain = useChainedCommands();
    const handler = useCallback(() => {
      chain.selectText('all').insertText('Let it goo 🀫').run();
    }, [chain]);

    // Whenever the user types `a` they let it all go
    useKeymap('a', handler);


  • Upgrade React to require minimum versions of ^16.14.0 || ^17. This is because of the codebase now using the new jsx transform.
  • Upgrade TypeScript to a minimum of 4.3. Several of the new features make use of the new types and it is a requirement to upgrade.
  • General upgrades across all dependencies to using the latest versions.
    • All prosemirror-* packages.