Timescaledb: 1.2.2 Release

Release date:
March 14, 2019
Previous version:
1.2.1 (released February 9, 2019)
386 Diff Delta
3 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 1.2.2


Directory Browser for 1.2.2

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Release Notes Published

This release contains bugfixes.

Bugfixes * #1097 Adjust ordered append plan cost * #1079 Stop background worker on ALTER DATABASE SET TABLESPACE and CREATE DATABASE WITH TEMPLATE * #1088 Fix ON CONFLICT when using prepared statements and functions * #1089 Fix compatibility with extensions that define planner_hook * #1057 Fix chunk exclusion constraint type inference * #1060 Fix sort_transform optimization

Thanks * @esatterwhite for reporting a bug when using timescaledb with zombodb * @eeeebbbbrrrr for fixing compatibility with extensions that also define planner_hook * @naquad for reporting a segfault when using ON conflict in stored procedures * @aaronkaplan for reporting an issue with ALTER DATABASE SET TABLESPACE * @quetz for reporting an issue with CREATE DATABASE WITH TEMPLATE * @nbouscal for reporting an issue with ordered append resulting in bad plans

The music for this release was Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.