Timescaledb: 1.5.0 Release

Release date:
October 31, 2019
Previous version:
1.4.2 (released September 10, 2019)
23,140 Diff Delta
12 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 1.5.0


Directory Browser for 1.5.0

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Release Notes Published

We are announcing plans to deprecate support for Postgresql version 9.6 in upcoming releases.

This release adds major new features and bugfixes since the 1.4.2 release. We deem it moderate priority for upgrading.

This release adds compression as a major new feature. Multiple type-specific compression options are available in this release (including DeltaDelta with run-length-encoding for integers and timestamps; Gorilla compression for floats; dictionary-based compression for any data type, but specifically for low-cardinality datasets; and other LZ-based techniques). Individual columns can be compressed with type-specific compression algorithms as Postgres' native row-based format are rolled up into columnar-like arrays on a per chunk basis. The query planner then handles transparent decompression for compressed chunks at execution time. This feature is only available for Postgres versions 10 and up.

This release also adds support for basic data tiering by supporting the migration of chunks between tablespaces, as well as support for parallel query coordination to the ChunkAppend node. Previously ChunkAppend would rely on parallel coordination in the underlying scans for parallel plans.

More information can be found on our blog or in this tutorial.

For this release only, you will need to restart the database before running ALTER EXTENSION.

For this release only, please run VACUUM FULL _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable; after running ALTER EXTENSION.

Major Features * #1393 Moving chunks between different tablespaces * #1433 Make ChunkAppend parallel aware * #1434 Introducing native compression, multiple compression algorithms, and hybrid row/columnar projections

Minor Features * #1471 Allow setting reloptions on chunks * #1479 Add next_start option to alter_job_schedule * #1481 Add last_successful_finish to bgw_job_stats

Bugfixes * #1444 Prevent LIMIT pushdown in JOINs * #1447 Fix runtime exclusion memory leak * #1464 Fix ordered append with expressions in ORDER BY clause with space partitioning * #1476 Fix logic for BGW rescheduling * #1477 Fix gapfill treat_null_as_missing * #1493 Prevent recursion in invalidation processing * #1498 Fix overflow in gapfill's interpolate * #1499 Fix error for exported_uuid in pg_restore * #1503 Fix bug with histogram function in parallel

Thanks * @dhyun-obsec for reporting an issue with pg_restore * @rhaymo for reporting an issue with interpolate * @optijon for reporting an issue with locf treat_null_as_missing * @fvannee for reporting an issue with runtime exclusion * @Lectem for reporting an issue with histograms * @rogerdwan for reporting an issue with BGW rescheduling * @od0 for reporting an issue with alter_job_schedule

The music for this release was Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run.