Vapor: 4.14.0 Release

Release date:
June 26, 2020
Previous version:
4.13.1 (released June 26, 2020)
47 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 4.14.0


Directory Browser for 4.14.0

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Release Notes Published

This patch was authored and released by @tanner0101.

Adds _Vapor3 module that contains deprecations for Vapor 3 APIs (#2373).

To use this module, add the product as a dependency to your App target in Package.swift. For example:

.target(name: "App", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
    .product(name: "_Vapor3", package: "vapor"),

Then import the _Vapor3 module to enable deprecations.

import Vapor
import _Vapor3


app.get("test") { req -> Future<String> in
//                       ^~~~~~
// 'Future' is deprecated: renamed to 'EventLoopFuture'

Note: This module only deprecates part of the Vapor 3 API. Some things are missing and not everything can be deprecated. If you'd like to add something, please open up a PR!