Vue.js: v0.9.0 Release

Release date:
February 25, 2014
Previous version:
v0.8.8 (released February 20, 2014)
2,423 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v0.9.0


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Release Notes Published

"...then man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise." - The Instructor

Make sure to use latest version instead which fixes a few issues in this release. - Breaking Changes - JavaScript transition effect functions are now indicated by v-effect="effect-id". - Vue.transition() has been renamed to Vue.effect() - v-transition is now an empty directive, which indicates that the element has CSS transition. - vm.$watch callbacks are now batched - multiple changes to the same value within a single event loop will result in the callback fired only once, with the latest value. - New - v-animation for CSS animation support. doc - Wrapped setTimeout in JavaScript transition effect functions. doc - paramAttributes options for initializing data via inline attributes. doc - Extended Component constructors can now use plugins too. - Fixed - #129 Extended Component constructors now properly encapsulate assets registered through methods. - Internal Changes - v-on now delegates on a VM's root element in all cases except for blur and focus events. - utils.extend now returns the extended object, thanks to @bpierre !