Angular CLI: 17.0.0-next.4 Release

Release date:
September 13, 2023
Previous version:
17.0.0-next.3 (released September 7, 2023)
431 Diff Delta
7 total committers
Data confidence:

25 Features Released with 17.0.0-next.4

Top Contributors in 17.0.0-next.4


Directory Browser for 17.0.0-next.4

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Release Notes Published

<a name="17.0.0-next.4"></a>

17.0.0-next.4 (2023-09-13)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 1a6a139aa | enable routing by default for new applications | | feat - 3f8aa9d8c | updateng new to use the esbuild application builder based builder |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 2f299fc7b | account for styles specified as string literals and styleUrl | | fix - e41e2015b | avoid spawning workers when there are no routes to prerender | | fix - c11a0f0d3 | support custom index option paths in Vite-based dev server | | fix - 7d3fd226c | support dev server proxy pathRewrite field in Vite-based server | | perf - 4b67d2afd | use single JS transformer instance during dev-server prebundling |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - f43754570 | add automated preconnects for image domains | | fix - 828030da0 | account for styles specified as string literals and styleUrl |

Breaking Changes


  • Routing is enabled by default for new applications when using ng generate application and ng new. The --no-routing command line option can be used to disable this behaviour.
  • rootModuleClassName, rootModuleFileName and main options have been removed from the public pwa and app-shell schematics.