Angular CLI: 17.0.0-next.6 Release

Release date:
September 27, 2023
Previous version:
17.0.0-next.5 (released September 20, 2023)
523 Diff Delta
4 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 17.0.0-next.6


Directory Browser for 17.0.0-next.6

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Release Notes Published

<a name="17.0.0-next.6"></a>

17.0.0-next.6 (2023-09-27)


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - f4e7fa873 | add @angular/ssr as part of the ng update packageGroup |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 741cca73c | add ng new --ssr | | feat - 6979eba3c | enable hydration when adding SSR, SSG or AppShell | | feat - ac0db6697 | enable standalone by default in new applications | | feat - a189962a5 | generate functional interceptors by default | | fix - a23a1acab | update @angular/cli version specifier to use ^ |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | feat - 8bce80b91 | initial support for application Web Worker discovery with esbuild | | feat - c3a87a60e | support basic web worker bundling with esbuild builders | | feat - c5f3ec71f | support i18n inlining with esbuild-based builder | | fix - 4e89c3cae | use a dash in bundle names | | perf - 61f409cbe | disable ahead of time prerendering in vite dev-server |


| Commit | Description | | -- | -- | | fix - 8d033841d | enable prerender and ssr for all build configuration |

Breaking Changes


  • ng g interceptor now generate a functional interceptor by default. or guard by default. To generate a class-based interceptor the --no-functional command flag should be used.