Timescaledb: 2.3.1 Release

Release date:
July 5, 2021
Previous version:
2.3.0 (released May 25, 2021)
6,259 Diff Delta
10 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 2.3.1


Directory Browser for 2.3.1

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Release Notes Published

This maintenance release contains bugfixes since the 2.3.0 release. We deem it moderate priority for upgrading. The release introduces the possibility of generating downgrade scripts, improves the trigger handling for distributed hypertables, adds some more randomness to chunk assignment to avoid thundering herd issues in chunk assignment, and fixes some issues in update handling as well as some other bugs.

Bugfixes * #3279 Add some more randomness to chunk assignment * #3288 Fix failed update with parallel workers * #3300 Improve trigger handling on distributed hypertables * #3304 Remove paths that reference parent relids for compressed chunks * #3305 Fix pull_varnos miscomputation of relids set * #3310 Generate downgrade script * #3314 Fix heap buffer overflow in hypertable expansion * #3317 Fix heap buffer overflow in remote connection cache. * #3327 Make aggregate in caggs fully qualified * #3327 Make aggregates in caggs fully qualified * #3336 Fix pg_init_privs objsubid handling * #3345 Fix SkipScan distinct column identification * #3355 Fix heap buffer overflow when renaming compressed hypertable columns. * #3367 Improve DecompressChunk qual pushdown * #3377 Fix bad use of repalloc

Thanks * @db-adrian for reporting an issue when accessing cagg view through postgres_fdw * @fncaldas and @pgwhalen for reporting an issue accessing caggs when public is not in search_path * @fvannee, @mglonnro and @ebreijo for reporting an issue with the upgrade script * @fvannee for reporting a performance regression with SkipScan

The music for this release was Izzy Stradlin's On Down the Road.