Timescaledb: 2.5.0 Release

Release date:
October 27, 2021
Previous version:
2.4.2 (released September 20, 2021)
7,973 Diff Delta
13 total committers
Data confidence:

109 Features Released with 2.5.0

Top Contributors in 2.5.0


Directory Browser for 2.5.0

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Release Notes Published

This release adds major new features since the 2.4.2 release. We deem it moderate priority for upgrading.

This release includes these noteworthy features:

  • Continuous Aggregates for Distributed Hypertables
  • Support for PostgreSQL 14
  • Experimental: Support for timezones in time_bucket_ng(), including the origin argument

This release also includes several bug fixes.

Features * #3034 Add support for PostgreSQL 14 * #3435 Add continuous aggregates for distributed hypertables * #3505 Add support for timezones in time_bucket_ng()

Bugfixes * #3580 Fix memory context bug executing TRUNCATE * #3592 Allow alter column type on distributed hypertable * #3598 Improve evaluation of stable functions such as now() on access node * #3618 Fix execution of refresh_caggs from user actions * #3625 Add shared dependencies when creating chunk * #3626 Fix memory context bug executing TRUNCATE * #3627 Schema qualify UDTs in multi-node * #3638 Allow owner change of a data node * #3654 Fix index attnum mapping in reorder_chunk * #3661 Fix SkipScan path generation with constant DISTINCT column * #3667 Fix compress_policy for multi txn handling * #3673 Fix distributed hypertable DROP within a procedure * #3701 Allow anyone to use size utilities on distributed hypertables * #3708 Fix crash in get_aggsplit * #3709 Fix ordered append pathkey check * #3712 Fix GRANT/REVOKE ALL IN SCHEMA handling * #3717 Support transparent decompression on individual chunks * #3724 Fix inserts into compressed chunks on hypertables with caggs * #3727 Fix DirectFunctionCall crash in distributed_exec * #3728 Fix SkipScan with varchar column * #3733 Fix ANALYZE crash with custom statistics for custom types * #3747 Always reset expr context in DecompressChunk

Thanks * @binakot and @sebvett for reporting an issue with DISTINCT queries * @hardikm10, @DavidPavlicek and @pafiti for reporting bugs on TRUNCATE * @mjf for reporting an issue with ordered append and JOINs * @phemmer for reporting the issues on multinode with aggregate queries and evaluation of now() * @abolognino for reporting an issue with INSERTs into compressed hypertables that have cagg * @tanglebones for reporting the ANALYZE crash with custom types on multinode * @amadeubarbosa and @felipenogueirajack for reporting crash using JSONB column in compressed chunks