Desktop: v3.9.20 Release

Release date:
January 16, 2022
Previous version:
3.9.15 (released January 13, 2022)
140 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v3.9.20


Directory Browser for v3.9.20

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Release Notes Published

  • New: Automatic theme switching based on system color scheme. Now you can set which theme you’d like your default light and dark mode to switch to via Preferences > Appearance.
  • New: Ability to disable spellcheck on a per-note basis from the note context menu. Disable spellcheck for large notes to improve editing performance, especially with editors like Markdown Pro, Plus, and Bold.
  • New: Disabled application screenshot thumbnail in Windows taskbar preview for improved privacy.
  • Fixed: Electron regression with text input performance.
  • Fixed: Issue where archived and trashed notes would be included in note count in tags list.
  • Fixed: Issue where third-party components wouldn’t auto-update.