Magma: v1.3.3 Release

Release date:
January 12, 2021
Previous version:
v1.3.2 (released December 4, 2020)
354 Diff Delta
3 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v1.3.3


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Release Notes Published

Durango Maintenance Release Notes


This minor release for Magma contains fixes for some known issues affecting the stability and usability of the 1.3, 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 releases of Durango. See the release page for more information.

Key Features

Known Issues

  • We have observed service crash loops in our testing environment caused by ‘address in use“ errors that occur when SCTP sockets bind to port 36412 (S1AP port). These crashes have only been observed when the gateway is under moderate load. For mitigation, rebooting the AGW host is recommended.
  • MME service restarts were also observed during continuous load testing. This issue is currently under investigation; no mitigation action is required as call processing resumes normally after restart.

Upgrade Notes

  • As of v1.3.2, the apt source needs to be updated in order to get the latest tagged AGW build. Hence, it is required to modify /etc/apt/sources.list.d/packages_magma_etagecom_io.list on the gateway. Instead of “stretch main” or “stretch-1.3.2 main”, please replace with “stretch-1.3.3 main”. Following this, an “apt update” and “apt upgrade magma” will be required to finish the AGW upgrade.
  • The desired AGW tag is 1.3.3-1610467727-e5ba0dbf.

Compatibility and Interoperability


Critical bug fixes

  • Fixed the expired paging timer issue for detached UEs. The fix removes all the timers including the paging timer at the time of UE context removal. (#4302)
  • Fixed erroneous bearer deactivation of wrong UE. When initial context setup (ICS) timer for a UE-1 was happening, if another UE-2 starts the attach procedure, it was interfering with UE-2’s attach procedure by fetching UE-2’s context and triggering a bearer deactivation for UE-2 instead. (#4141)
  • Fixed the handling of NIL QoS record during Restart Recovery. (#4186).
  • Fixed a known issue where the SCTPD service goes into a crash loop after an MME service crash. Added dependencies to always start the SCTPD service with the MME service (#4179, #4176).
  • Fixed known IP configuration issues in non-NAT mode. This essentially deletes old configurations and forces the reconfiguration of the interface (#4121).
  • Added fixes to pipelined to gracefully handle missing uplink ports (#4202).

Security fixes

Other fixes

  • Added a fix for segmentation faults encountered by the MME service due to memory corruption while calling ctime. These changes replace calls to ctime with strftime (#4216, #4240).
